About Us
Our Vision and Mission… to become a “2nd mile church” of disciples making disciples.
God has given us the vision to become a church centered around being disciples of Jesus who help others also become disciples of Jesus. Following Christ’s example, we intend to engage with people and live life with them, because that’s exactly where discipleship takes place.
We believe the church is God’s people, not a brick-and-mortar building. This campus is just where we worship corporately, celebrate what God has been doing, encourage and fellowship with one another, equip ourselves for discipleship, and share those lessons with our children and anyone else who wants to engage in the conversation. Our challenge is to go and make disciples as Christ did, and that doesn’t only happen inside a church building.
Our church is in the process of becoming a missional community. That means we’re not interested in numbers as much as in hearing God stories and sharing our faith and compassion with people wherever we are during the week.
For Jesus, discipleship began at the Jordan River and continued on mountainsides, in people’s homes, at meals, at the seaside, on the streets, in a boat, or along the road. During his ministry, Jesus dealt with people right where they were. He let them know they belonged, and they were cherished and they could be forgiven. He told his followers to engage others in discipleship just as he had done. This is our mission. Our strategy for carrying out the mission is summed up in three words: Connect, Grow and Go.