January 23, 2025
Do you have multiple digital devices? Are you constantly Snapchatting, Tweeting, TikTok-ing, or Facebook-ing every move and find it hard to get through a meaningful conversation? Are you easily distracted by your phone or comparing your life to that of your friends online ? We increasingly miss out on the valuable moments of our lives as we pass the hours with our faces buried in our smartphones, documenting our every move through social media, and shielding ourselves from the outside world, where real human connections happen. If you notice these habits in yourself or your friends and family, Disconnect to Connect Coalition invites you to commit to participating in the annual Global Day of Unplugging (GDU) to “Be Screen Free” from sundown on Friday, March 7, to sundown on Saturday, March 8 . This is the third year our coalition has encouraged local participation, called #GreeneCountyUnplugged. We invite you once again to encourage everyone you know – your business colleagues, students, co-workers, neighbors, family, and friends to take this day and carve out time to unplug, be screen-free, relax, reflect, be active, visit the outdoors, and connect with loved ones. We are asking you to share a message about #GreeneCountyUnplugged or #BeScreenFree on your marquis sign (if available), in a newsletter, on the radio or television, or in any other way to get the message out! Be sure to print out the attached poster, write why you unplug, take a selfie with it, and share your picture on social media (use #BeScreenFree, #GreeneCountyUnplugged, and #GDU2025) or email it to lfox@gcph.info. Also, share the attached graphic on your website or social media to encourage others to unplug and be screen-free! We hope you will join us for this 3rd annual county-wide initiative March 7-8, 2025! If you are willing to join us, please email lfox@gcph.info so you can be recognized as a supporter in our promotional efforts and on our social media pages. Sincerely, The Disconnect 2 Connect Coalition Disconnect to Connect (D2C) is a coalition of members from Greene County Public Health, the Greene County Educational Service Center, the Mental Health and Recovery Board of Clark, Greene, and Madison Counties, Greene County Children Services, Greene County Family & Children First, and the Greene County Public Library.